Every day there is a draw of the ONCE coupon; from Monday to Thursday (ONCE Daily Coupon), Friday (El Cuponazo), and Saturday and Sunday (El Sueldazo del Fin de Semana). To participate it is necessary to purchase a coupon for the corresponding draw within the two modalities of coupons that ONCE makes available to the participants.
There are two types of ONCE coupons:
The pre-printed coupons are numbered coupons, in which the draw for which the participant participates, date of the draw, Series and Fraction are indicated
The issuance of these tickets is established by ONCE according to the needs of its requirements. These coupons can only be purchased at authorized retailers and establishments.
The coupon slips are also numbered coupons, which also include the draw for which the participant participates, date of the draw, Series and Fraction
The issuance of these tickets is established by ONCE according to the needs of its requirements. These coupons can only be purchased at authorized retailers and establishments.