Privacy Policy

Bamio Network SL, collects, processes and stores personal information through its proprietary web site This information will be related to the users of the website. The information will be collected, processed and stored in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

1. Legal responsibility

  • Domain:
  • Company name: Bamio Network SL
  • Tax identifier: B23643661
  • Address: Paseo de España 29, Oficina 1B - 23009 - Jaén - España
  • Contact e-mail: [email protected]

2. Laws applicable to this website

  • GDPR (Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons).
  • LOPD (Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, 1999, on the Protection of Personal Data and Royal Decree 1720/2007, of December 21, 2007, implementing regulations of the LOPD).
  • LSSI (Law 34/2002, of July 11, 2002, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce).

3. Datos recopilados

Only the data strictly necessary to carry out the normal activity of the service will be collected. Adhering to the principle of data minimization (Art.5.b GDPR). The data collected will in any case be from persons over 16 years of age (Art. 8.1 GDPR). reserves the right to take appropriate measures to verify the accuracy of the age (Art. 8.2 GDPR). In any case these data will be of a personal identifying nature and not sensitive, they may be:

  • E-mail address
  • Name and surname
  • Pseudonym

4. Methods of compilation.

Personal data will be collected through the website, when you enter information in any of the fields provided for this purpose on the web. These fields are properly marked and will not collect any data until you expressly accept the transfer and management in accordance with this privacy policy.

5. Objetivo de la recopilación y uso de los datos.

  • Manage you as a user, manage your preferences of the free services offered on
  • To offer you communications with news, commercial communications and advertising.
  • To provide you with information, through the site or electronic communications, about's services.
  • For statistical purposes related to
  • undertakes not to use the data obtained for any other purpose.

6. Recipient of the data.

The data collected will be incorporated into a file owned by: Bamio Network SL

This file will be managed by: Bamio Network SL

This file will be stored in: Dinahosting SL, con domicilio en Rúa das Salvadas 41, baixo 15705 Santiago de Compostela (A Coruña) - España

7. Duration of data conservation.

The data will be retained until the purpose for which the data was collected is fulfilled (Art.5.e. GDPR) or until the right to erasure or modification of the data is exercised. Provided this does not conflict with the need for legal or fiscal reasons to store the same.

8. How do we protect your data?

Your data is transferred and stored securely because we have:

  • Cifrado con protocolo SSL.
  • Firewall a nivel de servidor.
  • Protocolos de seguridad para prevenir accesos no autorizados.
  • Control de accesos. cannot guarantee complete security in communications over the Internet but we guarantee to take appropriate measures to protect your data. In addition is committed to maintaining the confidentiality of the data and will not communicate or allow access to unauthorized third parties.

9. Your data protection rights

The legislation recognizes your rights as a user who has transferred your personal data:

  • Access to personal data.
  • Rectification or suppression.
  • Opposing the treatment.
  • Data portability.
  • Right to Information.
  • Right of deletion/forgetfulness.
  • Right of Claim.
  • The right not to be subject to automated individualized decisions.

The exercise of these rights is personal. Therefore, you can only request them for the data of which you are the owner. In case you want to exercise any of these rights you can do it online through Bamio Network SL, by mail addressed to [email protected] or by letter addressed to address Paseo de España 29, Oficina 1B - 23009 - Jaén - España indicating the rights you want to exercise and a proof of identity.

We commit to respond to your request within 30 working days.

10. Legitimacy for data processing

The legal basis for the processing of your personal data is the explicit acceptance of the processing, management and storage of your personal data in accordance with this privacy policy.

11. Consequences of not accepting the privacy policy

In the event that you do not accept the management of your data according to this privacy policy, the data will not be collected, which may mean that the service provided by cannot be carried out.

12. Data Protection Authority in Spain

In the event that you want to assert your rights in terms of data protection and you consider that we are not respecting them, you can address to the responsible Spanish authority.

  • Data Protection Authority website:
  • E-mail of the data protection authority: [email protected]
  • Data protection authority telephone number: +34 91399 6200

13. Cookies

The User consents to Bamio Network's use of "cookies" to improve navigation and usability of the website. Bamio Network guarantees that these or similar mechanisms will not be used to collect confidential information

More information about the use of cookies in

14. Changes in the Privacy Policy reserves the right to modify this Privacy Policy, these modifications will be made in accordance with legislation and jurisprudence and will be reflected in this Privacy Policy.

Última actualización: 24 de mayo de 2018

Note: this page is a translation, if you have any doubts about interpretation, you should always refer to the Spanish version

Cookie Policy

We use own and third party cookies to improve our services and show advertising related to your preferences, analyzing browsing habits. If you continue browsing, we consider that you accept their use. Configuration and more information in our cookie Policy