Play Lototurf

Euromillones jackpot


million euros

Friday, 14 february 2025


The game of Lototurf

What does Lototurf consist of

Lototurf is a Spanish game of chance managed by SELAE. It is a combination of a lottery draw of numbers or primitive and a horse bet. The game consists of selecting 6 numbers from a table of 31 numbers (numbers from 1 to 31) and a horse (numbers from 1 to 12). When the bet is validated, a random number from 0 to 9 corresponding to the refund is added. To determine the winning numbers of the first table, a draw will be held, and the winning numbers of the second table will be obtained from the result of the fourth race.


The price of each bet is 1 Euro.

Sweepstakes to participate in and schedules

SELAE establishes the draws and schedules based on the dates established for each day, which can be any day of the week.

How to play

There are two game modes:

  • Simple: puedes jugar como máximo 6 apuestas en un mismo boleto. Para jugar una apuesta se marcan 6 números en el primer bloque y un caballo. Para jugar 2, se marcan seis números en el primer bloque y un caballo, y seis en el segundo y un caballo, así sucesivamente.
  • Múltiple: si lo deseas, puedes jugar más de 6 números y más de un caballo en tu apuesta, para ello deberás marcar estos exclusivamente en el primer bloque del boleto. Ten en cuenta que cuanto mayor número de múltiples, mayor será el importe de tu apuesta. Podrás jugar, un máximo de 10 números y 4 caballos en una apuesta.

Where you can play

There are two main options to participate in Lototurf:

  • Sellar el boleto en una administración de lotería oficial: Loterías y Apuestas del Estado tiene una red de más de 10.000 puntos de venta físicos, donde puedes encontrar tu boleto oficial para jugar y donde puedes sellar el mismo
  • Play through a lottery management service: there are several online lottery managers through which you can participate. These lottery managers charge a small fee for the service they provide. The service consists of stamping the indicated bets, managing the slips and delivering the prize via bank account. You should only participate in trustworthy services that offer all kinds of guarantees. From we recommend the service offered by since 2004

Celebration of the horse race.

1. The number of the winning horse shall be that carried by the horse that enters the finish line first, according to the final classification of the race established by the race stewards. Such classification shall be exactly in accordance with the order of arrival at the finish line, unless the race stewards have altered the same after hearing a complaint ex officio or at the request of a party, even if the corresponding institutions subsequently annul the result or take any other decision on the same.

2. If any horse withdraws from the race, before being at the disposal of the starter, the number that is predicted to the winning horse in the slip shall be considered predicted to the immediately preceding number, and if this horse has not participated either, the previous one shall be considered predicted, and so on, regardless of whether it was already predicted. The horse preceding number 1 shall be considered number 12 or the one with the highest number on the blanket.

3. In the event of a tie between two or more horses for first place, the total of the combinations formed with the numbers of the horses in that situation will be considered the winners.

Celebration of the raffle.

The draw to determine the winners in each contest will be held in a public act, in the place, day and time determined by Resolution of Loterías y Apuestas del Estado.

The winning combination is determined by introducing 31 balls of the same material, size and weight, numbered sequentially from 1 to 31, into a drum. Six balls are drawn at random to determine the winning combination.

To choose the draw, 10 balls of the same material, size and weight, numbered sequentially from 0 to 9, are introduced into a drum. One ball is drawn at random to determine the number of the draw.

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